Sound Mattings
Effective sound control backed by professional installation and unsurpassed products
Acousti-Mat II
In the building industry, certain codes must always be met. But what about codes for consumers and those shopping for luxury condominiums and apartments? With Acousti-Mat II Deading Sound System, both building and luxury codes are met. By using sound mattings, noises are captured within the matting to provide residents in multi-family living facilities with the quality and privacy of a detached residence. Acousti-Mat II is specifically engineered and tested to inhibit sound transfer and provide sound control that is effective and economical, and meets the required sound ratings. When used with a Maxxon Floor Underlayment, it also creates a flame barrier.

Acousti-Mat II Brochure
Noise is the most litigated issue in condominium and apartment ownership. People don't mind living close together, they just don't want to hear one another talk, walk across the floor, use their appliances or play loud music. In the past, other methods have been used to try to inhibit noise transfer, but Enkasonic is the best solution for improving both airborne sound quality and most importantly, that elusive impact sound.

Enkasonic Sound Control Matting Brochure (PDF)
AcoustiCORK is another sound matting product that Geo-Cell Solutions installs. AcoustiCORK is an effective sound control matting and crack suppression underlayment used under hard surface floor areas, and is suitable for a variety of residential and commercial projects. Tested in accordance with ASTM standards and certified through ICBO (ER #5314) and the City of Los Angeles Research Report #RR25323-A, AcoustiCORK is designed to meet your building needs and designs.

AcoustiCORK Brochure (PDF)
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